NOW SCHEDULING: Spring, 2025
Dr. Vigil is very well versed in bringing culturally relevant and meaningful material to diverse audiences. Real world stories and scenarios, often humorous in nature, entertain audience members while driving home important points. Small and whole group discussions, collaborative activities, personal action plans, and technology are used very intentionally in all of Dr. Vigil's presentations. Audience members walk away from all of Dr. Vigil’s keynotes and trainings motivated and armed with practical strategies designed to empower and create systemic change.
Mindfulness Training
Dr. Vigil offers private, group, and classroom mindfulness training. All trainings are tailored to the specific audiences’ needs and availability, therefore, length of training can vary from as few as 4 weeks to as many as 16 weeks. Here are a few examples of mindfulness training offered by Dr. Vigil:
- Mindfulness Fundamentals for Families
- Introduction to Mindfulness
- Mindfulness 101
- Mindfulness Fundamentals in the Classroom
Keynote Speaking Engagements
"Transforming Education: Using the Connectedness Cycle as a Framework for Instruction"
The connectedness cycle is an emerging framework for practice that advances the understanding and implementation of relationship-rich educational practices. These relationship-rich educational practices allow for more meaningful student engagement, and they serve to enhance academic outcomes. When embodied by faculty, administrators, executive leadership and teachers, the connectedness cycle has the ability to transform education. In this keynote presentation, Dr. Vigil motivates participants to engage in mindful, innovative and forward-thinking pedagogical practices.
“Self-care, mindfulness and…wait for it…technology!”
The concepts of self-care and mindfulness are not often used in the same sentence as technology! However, as a screen time researcher and mindfulness educator, Dr. Vigil advocates for a healthy blend of screen time AND mindfulness for self-care, stress reduction, and overall wellbeing. In this keynote presentation, Dr. Vigil artfully blends the most current screen time research with mindfulness practices to bring you an engaging and dynamic presentation.
Keynotes are not confined to education settings, but rather, can encompass business and organizational settings, as well...
"Using a Connectedness Cycle to Create a Paradigm Shift in the Workplace"
The need for connection is so paramount to basic well-being that society would be remiss if we simply dismissed its importance and returned to what many dub as our old ways of doing things prior to the pandemic. As society moves beyond the pandemic, ensuring continued feelings of connectedness in the workplace is absolutely necessary for both well-being and productivity. In this keynote presentation, Dr. Vigil showcases research-based tangible strategies and best practices that serve to create a paradigm shift in the workplace.
Breakout or Deep Dive Sessions
Dr. Vigil provides breakout or deep dive sessions centered around screen time, mindfulness, pedagogy, outdoor education and many other topics. All of Dr. Vigil’s sessions are interactive in nature and designed for each unique audience. Audience members walk away from Dr. Vigil’s sessions armed with new knowledge that is relevant to their respective practices.
Professional Development for Educators
Dr. Vigil also brings breakout session topics directly to schools/districts via professional development for educators. The most current research provides the foundation for professional development topics, and presentations are interactive and engaging. Walk away/talking points (objectives) are designed for respective ages/grades.
Parent Education
Dr. Vigil offers training to parents over a multitude of topics, including mindfulness, brain development, early literacy, and finding quality child care, to name a few. Parent education services can be private or for an agency or organization.
Grant/Technical Writing
Writing services are available for many types of companies, organizations, districts and/or schools. Click Mindfulness Matters page for a recent writing sample completed for STEM Sports®. Visit for information on their curricula.